Edinburgh Parkinson’s Social Cafés

The social cafés are ideal for the newly diagnosed, but any person with Parkinson’s and family members or care-givers are welcome to come along and share ideas.

Please join us any time during the 90 minute slots for a friendly and informal social get-together in relaxed and comfortable spaces. A range of Parkinson’s UK and Edinburgh Branch information is normally available, and we have some Branch Volunteers attending, if anyone has any questions, or needs any advice.

As part of our outreach we have expanded and as of August 2024, we now have three cafés:

Café Marchmont

Where: Butterflies Café, at St Giles (Marchmont), 3 Kilgraston Rd, Edinburgh EH9 2DW

When: 10.30am to 12 Noon on the second Monday of the month.  Next dates:

  • 10 March
  • 21 April (moved from April 14 because of the school holidays)
  • 12 May

There are complimentary teas and coffees, or refreshments provided by the Branch. 


There is limited on-site parking available for those with blue badges.

More information

The venue is well served by buses (including numbers 5, 9 24).  There is good disabled access, with ramp for wheelchairs.

If you feel you need further information, please contact Lynn Stewart: lynn@edinburghparkinsons.org

Café Niddrie

Our second started in June 2024.  This meeting is open to anyone who has Parkinson’s, living in Edinburgh and the Lothians.   Feel free to bring someone along with you – all are welcome. 

Where: Hays Community Hub, 3 Hay Avenue, EH16 4RW

When: 2pm on the fourth Monday of the month.  Next dates:

  • 24th February
  • 24th March

There are complimentary teas and coffees, or refreshments provided by the Branch. 

More information

There is free parking available on the surrounding streets. 

Lothian Buses 2, 14, 21 and 30 pass near Hays Community Hub which is just off Niddrie Mains Road.

Either just turn up on the day, or if you want more details, please contact Stephen Brannan (chair@edinburghparkinsons.org).

Café Fairmilehead

Our third café started in summer 2024, and again is open to anyone with Parkinson’s, their family, friends, or anyone with a connection or interest in Parkinson’s, or the Branch.

Where: Fairmilehead Church, 1a Frogston Rd West, EH10 7AA

When: 10.15am on the Third Wednesday of the month (except when schools are on holidays).

Next date is: 19th February 2025

More information

There is a car park and ample on-street parking in close proximity.

Bus stops are nearby for Lothian Buses  4, 11 and 15 & 400.

If you would like more details, please contact Stephen Brannan (chair@edinburghparkinsons.org).


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